Monday, January 30, 2012

Two Weeks Notice

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."-John Wooden

The past couple of weeks I have been trying to decide if moving to Nashville is the right decision for me. I would be leaving the security of a job with excellent benefits, my family and the city I have known all my life.

While the thought of leaving my family and missing my nephews play basketball certainly makes me want to cry (and did during a weak moment leaving a game last week), I don't want to be the person who stays somewhere forever due to the fear of failure while stuck in a stagnant career. I want to be the person who takes risks, makes changes and is able to tell crazy stories about my adventures when I get old and gray.When I went to Nashville three years ago, I fell in love with this bench. I always said if I ever lived there, this spot would be my second home. It looks like it will.

I turned in my two weeks notice this morning fully ready to start a new chapter of my life. 615, I'll see you soon.

Friday, January 13, 2012

What I Wish They Taught in Business School

I just had my one year anniversary at my current job. It made me start thinking about what I have learned while working here. I also thought about what I learned throughout my four years at UT and how I have actually applied that knowledge in my current position. Here's what I figured out:
  1. Business school should require all students to take psychology and sociology classes. I have come to realize that to be successful in a business environment, the ability to communicate to all employees and adapt your communication efforts on an individual and group basis is just as important, if not more so, than knowledge and abilities.
  2. They should teach you how to operate a deluxe copy machine. I know this sounds crazy, but I didn't know how to fax, scan, add ink, etc. to this gigantic printing machine in the copy room. I could have developed the Theory of Relativity, but without this secretarial knowledge, I would still have been viewed as a moron.
  3. They should tell you to have a candy dish and to keep it stocked. It's the fastest way to make friends, I'll tell ya. Beware though, run out of candy and they sometimes get angry.
  4. They should tell all students that Casual Friday does not mean wrinkled jeans and tennis shoes--no matter what anyone tells you. We have had several interns who come in on a Friday in just that, and it is bad news. Luckily, I was raised by a man who wore a tie no matter the day and a woman who always wears a blazer. I didn't have to learn this lesson the hard way.
  5. They should tell you to hang interesting, meaningful things in your office. I currently have a large painting of a magnolia by my favorite artist, my grandmother, directly behind my desk. It always sparks conversation on local artists, the movie/play Steel Magnolias, etc. I also have a photo with Warren Buffett, UTK memorabilia and three framed quotes displayed. Having my office decorated with personal things certainly creates easy conversation. It also just makes me happy to come to work.
You know how I was able to convince a colleague to take that picture of me holding up the #1 sign? Bribed her with candy. Business students should seriously be learning this stuff.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holiday Wrap-Up

I had the best Christmas and New Year's I remember in a long time.

Unusual gifts that express a person's individuality and eccentricities are the best. My Christmas was full of them:


This is a ring crafted from a man through Etsy. It's the symbol of the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter. It's also small enough to fit my child-sized fingers. Another plus.

And I got to eat red velvet pancakes Christmas morning before a 10 mile run with my mom.Post run.

I don't think a better Christmas day has ever existed.

While I love Christmas, I am not a fan of New Year's. At all. For some reason it always ends up an emotion-filled disaster. Not this year though. I stayed in, turned off my phone, ate fondue and watched movies with my family. It was perfect.

In case you're wondering about my New Year's resolutions, they are to be more open and honest with others, have a little more adventure and less caution and wear red lipstick more often.

I hope y'all had a happy Christmas and fabulous New Year's.